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Turning Insights Into Success
As 2024 gets underway, it's clear that postsecondary education is facing some tough challenges, including the erosion of public confidence in college. Amid these difficult circumstances, I find renewed conviction in the power of postsecondary education and workforce training to transform lives.
Our philanthropy aims to improve outcomes for those who need postsecondary education or workforce training the most to achieve upward mobility. We do this by identifying key barriers for learners, supporting innovation, and generating an evidence base.
Our goal is to spur the adoption of what works at scale, informing policy decisions and funding at state and local levels. In 2023, we made nearly $101 million in new grants toward this aim. Our decades of experience have taught us valuable lessons about the diverse paths learners from low-income backgrounds take to success, reinforcing the understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach is inadequate. The evidence our partners develop is critical to ensuring that providers are delivering the best possible education and training.
The evolving landscape of postsecondary education and workforce training demands a collective effort to address the declining perception of the cost-to-value proposition for a degree or credential across the U.S. It is incumbent upon us to adapt and innovate postsecondary education and workforce training programs, providing more cost-effective paths aligned with the expectations and needs of learners from low-income backgrounds and employers. We must focus on tangible, long-term outcomes that matter to learners and employers. In doing so, we create a compelling case for the value of education and training beyond high school.
Equipped with the knowledge gained over the years, we must actively apply these insights to support those working to enhance postsecondary education and workforce training programs. Together, we can ensure that learners from low-income backgrounds have the opportunity to succeed.
Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer
Ascendium Education Group

“We must focus on tangible, long-term outcomes that matter to learners and employers. In doing so, we create a compelling case for the value of education and training beyond high school.”